Oyster Mushrooms On toast

It’s got to be the most obvious and simplest ways to eat mushrooms, but Pearl or Pink mushrooms simply fried and laid on freshly buttered toast is food of the gods.


(serves one)

50g pearl oyster mushrooms

1tbs oil or butter 

A smidge of chopped garlic

Chopped oregano (optional)

A slice of toast (preferably sourdough)



Heat the oil or butter over a medium heat in a small frying pan. Tear the mushrooms into the pan with the chopped garlic and optional herbs.

Turn up the heat and fry until they start to brown 3-4 mins (I like it when they get crispy bits around the edge).

Tip onto your well -buttered slice of toast and top with a twist of black pepper.

Oh man, my mouth is watering already!

Hope You Enjoy!

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Toni Williams - Founder of The Square Genius

Hi, I’m Toni. My mission is to create powerful websites for charities, non profits and purpose-led organisations dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment, communities, animal welfare and many more.


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