Hello, I’m John Rosie.

How it started.

I’ve always enjoyed good food and the best is always the freshest and local. When you can say “I’ve met the bloke who grows these” or “this comes from just over there” as you point to a picturesque hillside, then you know its going to be good.

So after 30 odd years making films and travelling the world, I decided to take on a new challenge. Something new and exciting and something I love to grow and eat… mushrooms.

It’s not just mushrooms - I grow as much of my own food as possible and I'm a keen cook. In my opinion the best and tastiest food has got to be fresh and is the key to a healthy diet - something I've become more aware of with two young children.

Neither plant nor animal, mushrooms are beautiful, fascinating and a bit weird and I’m discovering more about them all the time. My aim is to keep learning about these strange organisms and try new recipes to share with you.

Sustainable Farm

Quality Assured

Locally Produced

Delivered Fresh